Reiscode: 6871

Reisinspiratie 6871 - Pantanal rondreis Brazilië, september 2024

Hierbij ontvangt u het reisvoorstel voor een fascinerende ontdekkingstocht door de Pantanal, de grootste tropische natte savanne van de wereld. Dit uitgebreide pakket omvat een 13-daagse reis die begint op 1 september 2024, met uw aankomst in Sao Paulo en op 2 september met uw aankomst in Cuiabá en transfer naar Pouso Alegre Lodge. Geniet van unieke verblijven zoals het drijvende Jaguar Flotel en SouthWild Pantanal Lodge, en ervaar een rijke verscheidenheid aan flora en fauna tijdens begeleide safari's te land en te water. Uw avontuur wordt verrijkt met professionele natuurlijke gidsen, comfortabele accommodaties en traditionele gerechten. Dit is een onvergetelijke reis die diepgaand inzicht biedt in de biodiversiteit en cultuur van Brazilië.

Uiteraard zijn wijzigingen nog mogelijk in het offertetraject. Het is immers een reis op maat. Neem het rustig door en dan verneem ik graag uw terugkoppeling.

  • Om het landarrangement te boeken, ontvangen wij graag de volgende gegevens: 
    • Namen zoals vermeld in het paspoort
    • Geboortedata
    • Paspoortnummers
    • Adres voor vermelding op de factuur
    • Mobiel nummer waarop het reisgezelschap tijdens de reis bereikbaar is
    • Contactgegevens van kennis of familie die niet meegaat tijdens de reis
  • Deze gegevens kunt u via het aanvraag tabblad van het reisvoorstel versturen. Uw gegevens worden via een beveiligde HTTPS verbinding naar ons verstuurd.

Uitkijkend naar uw reactie. 

Hartelijke groet namens het Brazilie Reis Specialist team,

Gustavo Lucena Lage

7.749,00 € p.p. 13 dagen
  • Spot jaguars tijdens boottochten vanuit het unieke, drijvende Jaguar Flotel
  • Verken de rijke biodiversiteit van Pouso Alegre Lodge te paard of per kano
  • Ervaar nabije ontmoetingen met wilde ocelotten bij SouthWild Pantanal, bekend van National Geographic
  • Bewonder de toekans en reusachtige Jabiru ooievaars vanuit observatietorens bij SouthWild Lodge
  • Ontdek reuzenmiereneters en ander wild tijdens safari's vanuit Pousada Piuval
  • Dag 01: 01 september 2024 (Begin landarrangement, airport hotel Sao Paulo)
  • Dag 13: 13 september 2024 (Einde landarrangement)

Reissom landarrangement:

  • € 7.749,-  per persoon, op basis van deelname van 2 personen
  • Wij bieden verder een korting van € 200,- per persoon wanneer u deze reis boekt voor 20 mei 2024. Vervolgens gaan wij alle reisonderdelen boeken en sturen na ontvangst van alle bevestigde reiselementen (hier gaan een aantal dagen overheen) de reisbescheiden en factuur.  De korting is geldig bij betaling per reguliere bankoverschrijving.
  • De aanbetaling van deze reis bedraagt 20% van de reissom en het restant bedrag dient 6 weken voor vertrek te worden overgemaakt

Reissom vluchtarrangement: 

  • € 1.566,- per persoon, inclusief 1x ruimbagage (max 23kg) per persoon (Dagprijs 09 mei 2024) zie tabblad vluchtschema

Wij adviseren de vluchten te boeken die in het tabblad vluchtschema van de offerte staan vermeld. Deze passen bij dit landarrangement. De vluchten kunt u zelf boeken of wij boeken het voor jullie. De vermelde prijs zijn dagprijzen en kunnen fluctueren. De vluchten dienen 100% aanbetaald te worden en worden separaat gefactureerd. Op het moment dat we de tickets daadwerkelijk uitgeven, is de prijs gegarandeerd. Hiervoor hebben wij alle gegevens nodig van de passagiers, zie info ‘Boek uw reis’.  

Voorwaarden voor annuleren, wijzigen en ‘no show’ van vluchten: aan ieder vliegticket zijn voorwaarden ten aanzien van wijzigen en annuleren verbonden. In de meeste gevallen betaalt u een vergoeding of toeslag hiervoor of is wijzigen van vluchtdatum, -tijd of –route niet mogelijk. U kunt een annuleringsverzekering afsluiten, zodat u gedekt bent, mocht er onverhoopt iets gebeuren waardoor de vluchten geannuleerd dienen te worden. Wanneer de airline zelf de vlucht annuleert of wijzigt en u accepteert deze wijziging niet, dan heeft u uiteraard recht op een full refund.


  • Alle vermelde hotels en maaltijden, zie tabblad hotels
    Bij alle hotels is het ontbijt inbegrepen, tenzij anders vermeld.
  • Vervoer; 
    Transfers kunnen op privé basis of in gezelschap van andere toeristen worden aangeboden. Bij de beschrijving wordt per transfer aangegeven of deze op privé basis is of in gezelschap van andere toeristen.
  • Excursies; 
    Excursies die vermeld zijn in het excursie tabblad of de dag tot dag beschrijving. 
  • Reisbegeleiding; 
    Gedurende de reis bieden wij per bestemming in Brazilië lokale vertegenwoordiging ter plaatse bij wie u terecht kunt voor tips, reisondersteuning en optionele excursies. Zo geniet u van de vrijheid van het individuele reizen, maar wel altijd met ondersteuning ter plaatse. 
  • Op deze reis zijn de algemene voorwaarden van BRS van toepassing.
  • Duurzaam reizen: Onze missie is niet alleen om u de adembenemende schoonheid van Brazilië te laten ervaren, maar ook om actief bij te dragen aan het behoud ervan. Door te kiezen voor een reis met Brazilie Reis Specialist, draagt u direct bij aan de herbebossingsinspanningen van de Black Jaguar Foundation. Voor elke boeking gaat een deel van de opbrengst naar het planten van bomen langs de Araguaía-rivier, een cruciale biodiversiteitscorridor die de Amazonerivier en de Cerrado-savanne met elkaar verbindt.
    Elke reiziger die bij ons boekt, ontvangt een certificaat van de Black Jaguar Foundation als bewijs van de bijdrage aan dit transformerende project. Dit certificaat geeft niet alleen voldoening over de steun aan de natuur, maar dient ook als een blijvende herinnering aan uw unieke reiservaring in Brazilië. Bekijk hier meer informatie over het project. 
  • Zekerheden; 
    Brazilië Reis Specialist is lid van VZR Garant, VvKR, DRV en het Calamiteitenfonds. Hierdoor bent u ervan verzekerd dat BRS voldoet aan de strengste normen die aan een Nederlandse reisorganisatie gesteld kunnen worden. VZR Garant beschermt vooruitbetaalde reisgelden van reizigers die bij een VZR Garant-deelnemer een pakketreis boeken. Alle reis- en verblijfsovereenkomsten zijn financieel gedekt door VZR-Garant conform de garantieregeling
  • Reisadvies Brazilië:
    Zorg ervoor dat je een reisverzekering afsluit die dekking biedt in geval van code oranje, corona, repatriëring en verlengd verblijf. 

    Het meest recente reisadvies voor reizen naar Brazilië kunt u vinden op de website van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

Niet inbegrepen: 

  • Bijdrage calamiteitenfonds á € 2,50 per boeking
  • Boekingskosten á € 15,- per persoon
  • Bijdrage VZR Garant a € 7,50 per persoon
  • Alle vluchten. Deze kunt u zelf boeken of via BRS, zie tabblad vluchtschema  

Na aankomst op de luchthaven van Sao Paulo kunt u met de shuttlebus naar het airport hotel. Zie tabblad hotels voor hotelselectie. 


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.


Upon arrival at Cuiabá airport, you will meet your guide. From there, you will depart to the lodge and embark on a  2-2.5 hours to Pouso Alegre, where we will stay for two nights.
The lodge is famous for its excellent mammal viewing and birding and has a long entrance drive (8 km) that yields good wildlife viewing, with species such as Red Brocket Deer, Bare-faced Curassows, Chestnut-bellied Guans, Brazilian Tapir, and even Giant Anteaters.
During your time here, you are able to wander in the grounds close to the lodge, where there is excellent birding, and there will be an early evening drive revisiting the wildlife-rich driveway.
Overnight Hotel Pouso Alegre (B/L/D)


DAY 2 - POUSO ALEGRE - SEP 3, 2024
Pouso Alegre is a countryside lodge located at Poconé at marker 33km on the Transpantaneria Highway. Situated in a traditional Pantanal cattle farm, within 7.000 hectares, this area has a great diversity of preserved Pantanal landscapes.

The simple but comfortable accommodations are in harmony with the landscape and a farming lifestyle. The lodge offers 25 bedrooms, equipped with  air conditioning, window screens, a fan and bathroom.

There are no introduced species so you find traditional flora and fauna. There are large flooded fields of native grass, several kinds of forest and permanent and temporary water bodies. During both drought and flood, you can horseback ride to rarely visited places or explore via canoe. Animals such as cayman, capybara, monkey, anacondas, deer and many different bird species can be found in the wild natural habitats. The lodge grounds also offer a wide range of birds including the hyacinth macaws, toucans, cardinals and the bird symbol of Pantanal, the jabiru stork. The combination of limited capacity, easy access, delicious typical food and peaceful ambience make Pouso Alegre a great option for exploring the Pantanal.
Overnight at Pouso Alegre.(B/L/D)

Breakfast. We will travel to the end of the Transpantaneira road, stopping along the way for game viewing and at Porto Jofre travel by boat to reach the Jaguar Suites.

Our accommodation is a unique, floating hotel or “flotel” near the mouth of the Tres Irmaos River that is operated as a Jaguar research and tourism base. Photo dossier research on Jaguar faces continues apace, as guests become, in effect, guest researchers here.

We will spend three nights here, following a routine of morning and afternoon boat safaris exploring the most Jaguar-rich sections of the Cuiabá, Piquirí, and Three Brothers Rivers, returning to the lodge in the middle of the day for lunch and some downtime.

The ideal Jaguar search speed is 22-29 km/h, and dependent on sightings, we aim to be at the lodge in time for lunch.
Your first scheduled boat game viewing trip along the river begins at 16:00 followed by dinner at the lodge.
After dinner there will be an evening wildlife lecture, to explain a little more about the local eco-system and wildlife.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)


DAY 4, 5 -  JAGUARLAND - SEP 5,6,  2024
Two days dedicated to game viewing and birding. Jaguars and Giant Otters are at the top of the wish list, but as ever we aim to stop for everything we find.
On the boat safari, we will likely cover a great deal of ground, systematically checking the sandy banks, patches of dense gallery forest on the riverbank, and rush-beds along the water’s edge in search of the biggest predator in the Pantanal.
Our chances are superb for encountering Jaguar and the Flotel provides us with the perfect base from which to explore.
The flotel is the only permanent accommodation in the centre of the “Jaguar Zone”, which could also be called “the Giant Otter Zone”, as these 100-km of river channels are by far the best place in the world to see either of these otherwise shy and elusive top predators. Here we have a distinct advantage over more distantly-located lodges or camps, which start 15km’s upriver and require a lengthy and often unproductive 45 minute – 1 hour journey each way. With instant access to the most productive area for our target species, should we receive word of a sighting we can react very quickly, and it also enables us to have a greater chance of having private sightings before other boats arrive.
Overnight at Jaguar Flotel (B/L/D)

DAY 6 -  JAGUARLAND - SWP - SEP 7,  2024
Pack up before enjoying a last breakfast on our flotel. Set off at 7:00 AM on a slow River Safari to see if you can find any last cats on your transfer southwest to Porto Jofre in time for your 8:00 AM road departure.
Embark once more on your land safari (either our open-air Safari Truck or a closed, air-conditioned vehicle) to SouthWild Pantanal Lodge.
Enjoy lunch in the SouthWild Pantanal Lodge’s fully screened, fresh-air restaurant. Explore the
fauna-rich lodge grounds, cool off in our river-side pool, or take a siesta in one of the many
hammocks hanging on the lodge’s wrap-around patio.
In the afternoon, set out on a 2-hour River Safari on the wildlife-rich Pixaim River. This small river is very serene and private: perfect for enjoying the wonders of a wildlife community that has been protected by SouthWild for over 18 years.
In the evening try once-again to see our Ocelots or try for the even more elusive Tapir on a Night Safari. On request, we can also arrange for a Canopy Tower Sundowner Surprise to take in the splendor of the Pixaim River on your last night in the Pantanal.
Enjoy dinner and dessert in the lodge restaurant.

SouthWild Pantanal is the only location in the world where there is such a high probability of seeing habituated, wild Ocelots up close. It was the location that National Geographic’s Earth Live used to film Ocelots

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)

DAY 7,8 -  SOUTHWILD PANTANAL - SEP 8,9,  2024
Enjoy 2 nights in SouthWild’s carbon-neutral Pantanal Lodge surrounded by entertaining fauna. Every day you will be led by your expert naturalist guide to make sure you spot the best fauna and flora. Throughout your trip you will enjoy delicious local cuisine with plenty of vegan
and gluten-free options, knowledgeable naturalist guiding, educational lectures about the Pantanal’s star wildlife and its history, and of course: Jaguars, guaranteed.
The lodge benefits from two wildlife observation towers: one in the riverine forest
and the other next to a nest of thoroughly habituated Jabiru Storks, allowing fantastic photographic opportunities. The riverine forest also holds several troops of very confiding Brown Capuchins, whilst the unmistakable call of the area's resident troop of Howler Monkeys is likely to become a familiar sound as dawn breaks.

The lodge’s bird feeders also regularly visited the world’s largest toucan, the emblematic Toco Toucan, as well as several very colorful passerines, most notably the Orange-backed Troupial.
The grounds here really are packed with birds which have become very used to people so provide superb close views and photographic opportunities.

Overnight at SouthWild Pantanal (B/L/D)


DAY 9 -  SWP - PIUVAL - SEP 10,  2024

Make the most of the sunrise by climbing the self-explore towers just outside the main lodge to capture the sunrise over the Pantanal. Enjoy breakfast in SouthWild Pantanal Lodge with your camera ready to go: a Toco Toucans may land on one of the nearby trees in search of fruits and insects. 

Depart at 10:00 am in a closed, air-conditioned vehicle to drive to Pousada Piuval. Situated 110 km from Cuiabá and 10 km from Poconé - MT, Pousada Piuval is the first inn on the Transpantaneira Highway. It boasts a breathtaking natural landscape in the Pantanal, offering diverse fauna and flora for observation and admiration.

With your private guide and safari truck, you'll have the opportunity to search for Giant Anteaters, often spotted in the afternoons. Our experienced guides will ensure a safe and respectful approach to these fascinating creatures.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


DAY 10, 11 - POUSADA PIUVAL - SEP 11,12,  2024

Your private guide will take you to prime spots for an early morning Anteater search, followed by a substantial breakfast at the lodge. The remainder of the morning is yours to relax and enjoy the inn's amenities or to take other activities such as Dawn Safari, Photographic Safari, Ecological Trail

After lunch, you can discuss with your guide which activity or species to focus on.

In the late afternoon, your guide will lead you to the best locations to observe Giant Anteaters before returning to the lodge for dinner or to do a Night Focus.
Overnight at Pousada Piuval (B/L/D)


Breakfast and morning activity, then private transportation to the airport (B)

 - Private, naturalist guide as noted in the itinerary.
 - Private ground transportation
 - Accommodation as noted
 - Meals and excursions as noted
 - Unlimited mineral water from large coolers, but bring your own refillable water bottles.  We suggest that each person bring a 1.5-litre bottle.

Cuiabá is de hoofdstad van de Braziliaanse staat Matto Grosso. De stad dient als toegangspoort tot drie totaal verschillende, maar even imposante natuurgebieden: de zuidelijke Amazone, de noordelijke Pantanal en het nationale park Chapada dos Guimarães. Van deze drie gebieden wordt de noordelijke Pantanal het meest bezocht vanuit Cuiabá. Cuiabá zelf is een drukke en snelgroeiende stad met ruim een half miljoen inwoners .Het is een interessante mix van koloniale villa's en moderne wolkenkrabbers. Tijdens een bezoek aan de stad zijn er ook een aantal uitstekende musea te bezoeken zoals het museum 'Rondon do Indio', dat de grootste collectie ter wereld herbergt van kunstobjecten van inheemse bevolkingen.

Kortom, Cuiabá is de perfecte startplaats om diverse natuur bestemmingen te bezoeken in deze regio van Brazilië.

Cuiabá, gelegen in het hart van Brazilië, vormt de toegangspoort tot het noordelijke gedeelte van de Pantanal, dat bekend staat als de ultieme plek om jaguars te spotten.

Dit immense laagland, dat tijdens het regenseizoen (december - maart) grotendeels overstroomt, is het grootste moerasgebied ter wereld. Met een indrukwekkende oppervlakte van ongeveer 150.000 vierkante kilometer is de Pantanal meer dan vier keer zo groot als Nederland. Dit unieke gebied biedt weelderige vegetatie, ontelbare riviertjes en meren, en staat bekend om zijn uitzonderlijke fauna. Hier kunt u de zeldzame en elegante jaguar, wilde papegaaien, miereneters, wilde zwijnen, capibara's, zwarte kaaimannen en meer dan 600 verschillende vogelsoorten, waaronder de imposante jabiru, bewonderen. Een safari door deze bijzondere wildernis is een unieke ervaring en biedt volop mogelijkheden om zeldzame vogels en dieren te spotten en te fotograferen.

Een bezoek aan de Pantanal is zonder twijfel een hoogtepunt van elke reis. Er zijn diverse lodges in verschillende comfortklassen beschikbaar, vaak op basis van volpension en inclusief dagelijkse excursies. Geniet van de authentieke gastvrijheid, comfortabele accommodaties en deskundige lokale gidsen die u zullen begeleiden op uw avontuurlijke ontdekkingstocht door dit adembenemende natuurgebied.

Beste reistijd voor de Pantanal:

Het Pantanal landschap varieert per seizoen, maar blijft steeds prachtig. De jaarlijkse neerslag bedraagt gemiddeld 1500mm, voornamelijk tussen november en maart.

NAT-seizoen (januari-maart): De zomerregens revitaliseren de flora en fauna, met prachtige waterlandschappen en een rijke dierenwereld.

TUSSEN-seizoen (april-juni): Na de regens vormen zich lagoons die een rijke voedselbron vormen voor watervogels. Het weer is milder en dieren worden actiever.

DROOG-seizoen (juli-oktober): Het ideale moment voor dierenobservatie, met velden die drogen en dieren die zich verzamelen rond waterbronnen.

REGEN-seizoen (november-december): Er valt veel regen, maar niet genoeg voor overstromingen. Dit seizoen is perfect voor vogelobservatie.

Combinatie met andere natuurgebieden

De Noordelijke Pantanal kan perfect gecombineerd worden met een bezoek aan de adembenemende bestemmingen Chapada dos Guimarães en Nobres, want deze bestemmingen liggen op rijafstand van Cuiaba (2 uurtjes naar Chapada dos Guimarães).

Chapada dos Guimarães, een indrukwekkend nationaal park met majestueuze kliffen en watervallen, ligt op korte afstand van Cuiabá. Hier kunt u genieten van uitdagende wandelingen, panoramische uitzichten en unieke geologische formaties. Het is een paradijs voor avonturiers en natuurliefhebbers.

Nobres, gelegen in de buurt van Chapada dos Guimarães, is een verborgen juweeltje met kristalheldere rivieren en natuurlijke zwemgaten. Snorkel tussen kleurrijke vissen, ontdek ondergrondse grotten en bewonder de overvloedige biodiversiteit van dit ecologische paradijs.

Door een bezoek aan de Noordelijke Pantanal te combineren met Chapada dos Guimarães en Nobres, kunt u een unieke reiservaring beleven. Van het spotten van jaguars en het ervaren van het weelderige moerasgebied tot het verkennen van prachtige kliffen en het genieten van verfrissende wateractiviteiten, deze combinatie van bestemmingen biedt een gevarieerd en onvergetelijk avontuur.

Brazilië Reis Specialist kan u helpen bij het plannen van een op maat gemaakte reisroute, zodat u het beste uit uw bezoek aan de Noordelijke Pantanal, Chapada dos Guimarães en Nobres kunt halen. Laat ons uw reiswensen kennen en wij zorgen ervoor dat uw reis een onvergetelijke ervaring wordt.

Voor het zuidelijke gedeelte van de Pantanal kunt u beter uitwijken naar Campo Grande, waar u de Pantanal tevens met Bonito kunt combineren, waar je kan riviersnorkelen en genieten van prachtige natuur. Tussen Cuiaba en Campo Grande zijn nachtbussen beschikbaar of u kunt een binnenlandse vlucht nemen. 

Ontdek hier onze arrangementen voor de Zuidelijke Pantanal.

Porto Jofre, gelegen aan het einde van de Transpantaneira weg in het hart van Brazilië's Pantanal, is een ware oase voor natuurliefhebbers en avonturiers die dromen van het spotten van Jaguars in hun natuurlijke habitat. Deze afgelegen en betoverende bestemming biedt ongeëvenaarde kansen om de majestueuze Jaguars te observeren langs de oevers van de kronkelende rivieren die dit uitgestrekte moerasland doorkruisen. Porto Jofre staat bekend als één van de beste plekken ter wereld voor Jaguar-spotting, waar deze indrukwekkende roofdieren vaak gezien worden tijdens de koelere uren van de ochtend en late namiddag.

Naast het spotten van Jaguars, kunnen bezoekers van Porto Jofre genieten van een rijkdom aan andere wilde dieren, zoals kaaimannen, capibara's, reuzenotters en een verbazingwekkende diversiteit aan vogels. De unieke ligging van Porto Jofre, waar de rivier de Cuiabá samenkomt met andere waterwegen, creëert een rijk ecosysteem dat een thuis biedt aan een verbazingwekkende biodiversiteit.

Voor diegenen die de magie van de Pantanal en het spotten van Jaguars willen ervaren, biedt Porto Jofre niet alleen spectaculaire wildwaarnemingen, maar ook de kans om te ontsnappen aan de drukte van het dagelijks leven en zich onder te dompelen in de rust en schoonheid van de natuur. Met gespecialiseerde tours en ervaren gidsen is een bezoek aan Porto Jofre een onvergetelijk avontuur dat je dichter bij de natuur brengt dan ooit tevoren. Of je nu een fervente natuurfotograaf bent of simpelweg de schoonheid van de wilde dieren wilt bewonderen, Porto Jofre belooft een ongeëvenaarde ervaring in het hart van de Pantanal.

Accommodatie keuze

In Porto Jofre vind je een divers aanbod aan accommodaties, variërend van budgetvriendelijke opties tot comfortabele verblijven, elk met hun unieke charme en mogelijkheden om de rijke natuur van de Pantanal te ervaren. Voor reizigers die op zoek zijn naar een betaalbare optie zonder in te boeten aan de authenticiteit van de Pantanal-ervaring, is Berço Pantaneiro een uitstekende keuze. Deze lodge biedt eenvoudige, maar comfortabele kamers en staat bekend om zijn gastvrijheid en de mogelijkheid om de lokale cultuur en natuur van dichtbij te beleven.

Voor diegenen die iets meer comfort wensen, zijn Santa Rosa en Hotel Porto Jofre uitstekende keuzes. Santa Rosa biedt een gezellige en intieme sfeer, met goed uitgeruste kamers en toegang tot diverse activiteiten in de natuur. Hotel Porto Jofre, aan de andere kant, staat bekend om zijn ruimere accommodatie en hoogwaardige voorzieningen, waardoor gasten in alle comfort kunnen genieten van hun verblijf in deze wilde regio.

Voor de ultieme Jaguar-spotervaring bieden de Jaguar Suites en het Flotel een unieke kans om midden op de rivier te verblijven. Deze drijvende hotels zijn speciaal ontworpen voor natuurliefhebbers en fotografen die de majestueuze Jaguars willen observeren in hun natuurlijke omgeving. Met comfortabele en ruime kamers die uitkijken op de rivier, bieden de Jaguar Suites en het Flotel niet alleen een ongeëvenaarde nabijheid tot de wilde dieren, maar ook de rust en het unieke perspectief van het leven op het water. Het verblijf in deze drijvende accommodaties is een ervaring op zich, waarbij je elke ochtend en avond wordt omringd door de geluiden en het zicht op de prachtige Pantanal.

Of je nu op zoek bent naar een budgetvriendelijke optie of de voorkeur geeft aan het comfort van een luxe lodge, in Porto Jofre vind je de perfecte uitvalsbasis om de wonderen van de Pantanal te verkennen en de kans om de koning van de Pantanal, de Jaguar, van dichtbij te ontmoeten.

Toeristenklasse Hotels

Standaard 2-persoonskamer Kamertype
Ontbijt inbegrepen Maaltijd type
1 Aantal nachten
1 Aantal kamers

Hampton by Hilton Guarulhos Airport is gunstig gelegen op 6,1 km van de internationale luchthaven Guarulhos en op 17 km van São Paulo. Het hotel beschikt over moderne kamers, een restaurant, een fitnessruimte, parkeergelegenheid en gratis WiFi. Er wordt dagelijks een gratis ontbijt verzorgd.

De kamers van Hotel Matiz Guarulhos Aeroporto hebben een licht interieur en kleurrijke moderne schilderijen. Ze zijn voorzien van airconditioning, een kabel-tv, een radio en een telefoon. Sommige kamers zijn uitgerust met een lcd-tv en een waterkoker. Er is 24-uursroomservice beschikbaar.

Rick's Restaurante & Bar serveert à-la-carte- en buffetgerechten voor de lunch en het diner. Het heeft een verschillend menu voor elke dag van de week. U kunt er bijvoorbeeld terecht voor exotische cocktails en Braziliaanse specialiteiten, zoals feijoada (bonenschotel).

Het hotel biedt ook een gratis 24-uurspendeldienst van en naar de internationale luchthaven Guarulhos.

Standaard 2-persoonskamer Kamertype
Volpension Maaltijd type
2 Aantal nachten
1 Aantal kamers

Pouso Alegre is een lodge gelegen  kilometer 33 van de ongeasfalteerde Transpantaneria weg die de Pantanal doorkruist. De lodge ligt in een gebied van 7.000 hectare met een grote diversiteit aan goed bewaarde Pantanallandschappen.

De eenvoudige maar comfortabele accommodaties zijn in harmonie met het landschap en de agrarische levensstijl. De lodge beschikt over 25 slaapkamers, voorzien van airconditioning, horren, een ventilator en een badkamer.

De lodge staat bekend om zijn uitstekende mogelijkheden voor het spotten van zoogdieren en vogels en heeft een lange toegangsweg (8 km) die goede kansen biedt voor het waarnemen van wilde dieren, met soorten zoals het Roodbruin hert, Kaalkopboshoenders, Roodbuikgoeanen, Braziliaanse tapirs en zelfs Reuzenmiereneters. Tijdens uw verblijf kunt u rondwandelen op het terrein dichtbij de lodge, waar uitstekend vogels kunnen worden gespot, en er zal een vroege avondrit zijn die de met wilde dieren rijke oprijlaan herbezoekt.

Er zijn geen geïntroduceerde soorten, dus u vindt er traditionele flora en fauna. Er zijn grote overstroomde velden met inheems gras, verschillende soorten bossen en permanente en tijdelijke waterlichamen. Zowel tijdens droogte als overstroming kunt u te paard naar zelden bezochte plekken gaan of per kano verkennen. Dieren zoals kaaimannen, capibara's, apen, anaconda's, herten en vele verschillende vogelsoorten zijn te vinden in de natuurlijke wilde habitats. De terreinen van de lodge bieden ook een breed scala aan vogels, waaronder hyacintara's, toekans, kardinalen en het vogelsymbool van de Pantanal, de jabiroe ooievaar. De combinatie van beperkte capaciteit, gemakkelijke toegang, heerlijk typisch eten en een vredige sfeer maken Pouso Alegre een geweldige optie voor het verkennen van de Pantanal.

Standaard 2-persoonskamer Kamertype
Volpension Maaltijd type
3 Aantal nachten
1 - Jaguar Flotel Aantal kamers

Twee speciaal gebouwde, airconditioned, drijvende hotels met WIFI, verankerd aan elkaar in het midden van Jaguarland, zonder reistijd naar Jaguars. Jaguars lopen zelfs langs onze drijvende hotels terwijl ze beide oevers van de 100 meter brede Piquiri Rivier patrouilleren tijdens hun dagelijkse jacht op zonnende kaaimannen en grazende Capibara's. De beste gastenkamers in de hele Pantanal zijn de 12 ruime kamers van Jaguar Suites, allemaal voorzien van vier meter brede, van vloer tot plafond reikende, schuifdeuren van glas die uitkijken op de wilde bossen van het beroemd om Jaguars rijke, 270.000 hectare grote Meeting-of-the-Waters Staatspark.

Flotel & Jaguar Suites zijn strategisch gelegen in het centrale deel van Jaguarland, 16-18 km per rivier van de meeste lodges in Jaguarland, dus geen tweemaal daagse reistijd naar de Jags. Je bent BIJ de Jags.

Beste Licht van de Dag Professionele fotografen genieten van Jags in het beste vroege licht en gouden, laatste licht van de dag op wilde rivieren nabij ons Flotel & Jaguar Suites. Geen vertrek van de Jags 30 min voor zonsondergang voor een zinloze, lawaaierige reis terug naar het drukke Porto Jofre.

12 kamers in Jaguar Suites (30 m² elk) en 8 kamers in Flotel (verschillende groottes, maar kleiner dan Jaguar Suites. Informeer bij naar de upgrade kosten voor Jaguar Suites kamers), allemaal met WIFI, gesplitste airconditioning en ensuite badkamers; Enorm, openlucht bovendek op Jaguar Suites flotel, met schaduwrijke eettafels, zonnebadgebied, barbecue, natte bar en toiletten voor vrouwen en mannen; Enorme, afgesloten, airconditioned eetzaal met panoramisch uitzicht op de wilde Piquiri Rivier en het Rhode-Island-grote beschermd gebied; Grote lezingenzaal voor de roulerende reeks van wildlife lezingen door onze inwonende naturalist over Jaguars, Reuzenotters, Kaaimannen en Capibara's; Gelegen in het midden van de 100 km van "Jaguarland", dus geen lange ochtend- of middagreizen naar de Jags, en zelfs privé Jags worden vaak gezien op de Piquiri; Geniet van het vroegste en laatste, gouden licht op de rivier en met de Jaguars (niet verspild in lange, lawaaierige, winderige boottochten van/naar Porto Jofre).

Wanneer SouthWild Flotel & Jaguar Suites te bezoeken Hoewel onze Jaguar bootbestuurders de grote katten het hele jaar door op de rivieren van Jaguarland zien, is er geen twijfel dat de beste maanden voor de Jags van juni tot november zijn. Elk van deze zes maanden van het "Jag Seizoen" heeft bepaalde voordelen en nadelen.

Standaard 2-persoonskamer Kamertype
Volpension Maaltijd type
3 Aantal nachten
1 Aantal kamers

De SouthWild Pantanal Lodge bevindt zich 2,5 km van de Transpantaneira Road, aan de beboste oevers van de Pixaim-rivier die rijk is aan wilde dieren. Met kamers voorzien van airconditioning en toegankelijke rivierbossen biedt SWP de beste waarde voor serieuze vogelaars, natuurliefhebbers en fotografen in de Pantanal. Ze bieden boottochten waarbij je de tamste Reuzenotters ter wereld kunt zien. Andere exclusiviteiten zijn de enige mobiele observatietorens in de Pantanal, strategisch gelegen bij vruchtdragende en bloeiende bomen, en stille, elektrische riviercatamarans voor fotografen die lange lenzen op statieven gebruiken. SWP biedt ook paardrijtochten, vee drijven, wandelingen op wetenschappelijk ontworpen bospaden, onderzoekslezingen, het spotten van zoogdieren, een sterrenkaart voor de studie van de spectaculaire nachtelijke hemel en Braziliaanse barbecues.

De lodge bestaat uit een grote, volledig afgeschermde woonkamer/eetkamer met veel plafondventilatoren, buitenzitjes en een bibliotheek over de Braziliaanse natuur. Elk van de twaalf afgeschermde gastenkamers heeft een eigen badkamer met warme douches, plafondventilatoren, airconditioning en een queensize bed of twee eenpersoonsbedden. Om plastic afval te vermijden, biedt de lodge nu gratis gekoeld drinkwater dat onbeperkt wordt verstrekt uit waterkoelers. Breng je eigen duurzame Nalgene-fles mee om bij te vullen.

De SouthWild Pantanal Lodge verbetert voortdurend zowel de hoeveelheid als de kwaliteit van de fantastische dierenobservaties. Je kunt het veld, het bos en de rivier op verschillende manieren verkennen: te paard, met boottochten, wandelingen op paden, mobiele observatietorens, elektrische fotocatamarans en nachtelijke spotlighting vanuit onze speciale vrachtwagen met speciale foto-logistiek. De laatste drie zijn uniek voor onze lodges - geen enkele andere lodge in de Pantanal biedt ze aan. Opvallend is dat de lodge de enige observatietoren ter wereld heeft bij een nest van de Jabirustork. Dit 12 meter hoge platform is toegankelijk via een gebruiksvriendelijke spiraaltrap. De top van de toren bevindt zich op het niveau van het nest, dat slechts 15 meter verderop is. Onze speciaal opgeleide natuurgidsen hebben deze ooievaars jarenlang gewend gemaakt, zodat de vogels nu volledig de gasten negeren en al hun meest intieme nestgedrag in volledig zicht uitvoeren.

Inbegrepen in de tarieven: Volpension accommodatie, inclusief ontbijt, lunch en diner. Toegang tot het Ocelot Observatorium. Gebruik van de wandelpaden. Toegang tot twee observatietorens; een op 16 meter van het Tuiuiú-nest, de enige in zijn soort op de planeet, en een andere aan de oevers van de Pixaim-rivier. Een twee uur durende boottocht per dag. Voor gasten die 3 nachten verblijven, is een gratis 2 uur durende safari met de truck inbegrepen. Assistentie van het team van de herberg in het Portugees tijdens de opgegeven tijden. Een tweetalige natuurgids is niet inbegrepen. Mocht u er een nodig hebben, vraag ons dan naar de extra kosten.

Wanneer de SouthWild Pantanal Lodge bezoeken
De SouthWild Pantanal is het beste te bezoeken van mei tot december, waarbij elke maand zijn eigen voordelen biedt. De favoriete maanden zijn juni, juli en november, omdat het dan koeler is en de lucht helder is, zonder nevel die bijvoorbeeld de fotografie kan verstoren als een jaguar op meer dan 50 meter afstand is. Vanaf augustus begint het warmer te worden, en september en oktober zijn de heetste maanden van het jaar. 

Elk jaar tussen 20 juli en 1 september vindt er een spectaculaire concentratie van duizenden reigers, ooievaars, kaaimannen en capibara's plaats bij de bruggen op kilometer 17 van de Transpantaneira. De piek van dit natuurfenomeen valt gemiddeld op 12 augustus. Afhankelijk van de hoeveelheid regen in de maanden december tot maart kan dit spektakel twee weken eerder of later plaatsvinden.

De massale bloei van de gele cambará-bomen vindt plaats eind juni tot begin juli. De bekende bloei van de felroze trompetbomen (Tabebuia rosea) duurt meestal 10 tot 15 dagen in augustus. De cambará-bomen bloeien in 8 van de 10 jaren goed, terwijl de trompetbomen slechts in 4 tot 5 van de 10 jaren bloeien, wat het altijd een beetje een gok maakt als je tijdens de bloei van de roze trompetbomen wilt verblijven. Ocelotten zijn het hele jaar door te zien, maar jaguars zijn het beste te spotten van juni tot november.


  • Groen, laagseizoen: 10 januari t/m 31 maart
  • Tussenseizoen: 1 april t/m 14 juni en 1 november t/m 9 januari
  • Hoogseizoen: 15 juni t/m 31 juli en 1 september t/m 31 oktober
  • Super-piekseizoen: 1 t/m 31 augustus

De ruime eetzaal van de lodge biedt aan drie zijden plafondhoge schermen met onbelemmerd zicht op de omliggende bomen, velden en de Pixaim-rivier. Hierdoor kunnen overdag vele vogels worden gezien, zoals buff-halsibissen, Toco-toekans en kuifhokko’s, en zoogdieren zoals capibara’s, krabbenvossen, moerasreeën, reuzenotters, tapirs en soms zelfs een reuzenmiereneter of jaguar. De maaltijden worden in buffetvorm geserveerd, met een ruime keuze aan vegetarische en veganistische opties naast traditionele vleesgerechten. De eetruimte wordt gekoeld door een reeks plafondventilatoren.

Na jaren van ervaring met diverse koks, heeft SouthWild Pantanal nu de meest getalenteerde lokale chefs, die maaltijden bereiden die vaak beter zijn dan die in de beste restaurants van Cuiabá. De kwaliteit van de bereiding en kruiden overtreft ruimschoots die van andere lodges langs de Transpantaneira.

De lodge ligt op slechts 30 meter van de 70 meter brede Pixaim-rivier, die tussen juni en december stopt met stromen en meer op een meer lijkt dan op een rivier. Kaaimannen zonnebaden en schuilen onder de overhangende vegetatie langs de oever en worden regelmatig aangevallen door jaguars. In de nabijheid van de lodge zijn er 5 tot 6 verschillende jaguars die binnen 15 minuten varen langs de rivier kunnen worden gezien.

Het zwembad is klein, maar groot genoeg om baantjes te trekken. Het is ideaal voor een verfrissende duik tijdens de warme dagen. Van juni tot 20 augustus zijn de nachten koel, wat ook het water koel maakt. Tussen 20 augustus en 1 november is het Pantanal echter zo warm dat het zwembadwater vaak 28 graden Celsius of meer bereikt, wat uitnodigt tot lange, ontspannen baden.

Standaard 2-persoonskamer Kamertype
Volpension Maaltijd type
3 Aantal nachten
1 Aantal kamers

Deze lodge ligt in de Pantanal aan de Transpantaneira. Dit is de onverharde weg die door dit prachtige natuurgebied gaat. Het is de eerste lodge die je tegenkomt op de Transpantanteira, dus het is op korte rijafstand van Cuiaba op ongeveer één uur rijafstand.

De 29 comfortabele kamers beschikken over airconditioning, minibar, plafondventilators, tv, wifi en een eigen badkamer. Tot de recreatieve faciliteiten behoren een zwembad, volleybalveld, speeltuin, mountainbikes en uitkijktorens. Gasten kunnen heerlijk ontspannen met een drankje aan de zwembad bar of in het restaurant genieten van verrukkelijke regionale Pantanal gerechten.

Er zijn diverse dagelijkse excursies zoals paardrijden, foto safari's, boottochten en wandeltours. In de omgeving kan je honderden soorten dieren, vogels en vissen zien.

Het verblijf is op basis van volpension met inbegrip van dagelijkse excursies en transfers van en naar Cuiabá.


Pousada Piuval ligt ongeveer 120 km ten zuidoosten van Cuiaba waar de Transpantaneira begint, een onverharde weg van 150 km die het hart van de noordelijke Pantanal doorsnijdt.

Om er te komen:

De transfer van Cuiaba naar de lodge duurt ongeveer 2½ uur. De route naar de lodge loopt langs Poconé, een 18e eeuws goudmijnstadje. Vanaf Poconé is de laatste 10 km langs de Transpantaneira, een onverharde weg. De laatste 3 km naar de lodge gaan door seizoensgebonden overstromingsgebieden, en daarom zijn 4x4 transfers bij alle arrangementen inbegrepen. 

 Grootte en structuur van de lodge:

Behalve dat Pousada Piuval zijn "Pantaneiro" roots als werkende veehouderij heeft behouden, is het een solide middenklasse lodge met 29 ruime kamers in twee categorieën: 20 Standaard Tuinzicht kamers (25m²) met gedeelde veranda's, en 9 Deluxe Suites (36m²) met privé veranda's voorzien van hangmatten die uitkijken over de weilanden en uiterwaarden die de lodge omringen. Alle kamers zijn voorzien van split airconditioning, plafondventilatoren en douches met warm water. Met zijn aangename zwembad, speelkamer, biljart en kinderspeelplaats en volleybalveld is Piuval ook een zeer gezinsgerichte accommodatie. Het restaurant serveert maaltijden in buffetvorm en biedt een aangenaam uitzicht over de omliggende gazons, die zorgvuldig worden onderhouden door een familie capibara's, het grootste knaagdier ter wereld.

Unieke kenmerken:

Pousada Piuval is trots op een landgoed van 7000 ha dat een verscheidenheid aan landschappen omvat, van grasvlakten en intermitterende galerijbossen tot rivieren en lagunes. Hierdoor kunnen het hele jaar door boottochten worden gemaakt. Dit mozaïek van landschappen is een habitat voor een grote verscheidenheid aan wilde dieren, die tijdens de excursies uitgebreid aan bod komen. In het hart van deze natuurgebieden doorkruist een 450 m lange houten wandelbrug de moerassen naar een 15 m hoge uitkijktoren op een boseiland, de perfecte plek om de uitgestrektheid van de Pantanal te aanschouwen. De roze ipê boom, plaatselijk bekend als "Piuva" is een spektakel op zich en komt hier bijzonder veel voor, vandaar de naam van de lodge. Praktisch gezien ligt Pousada Piuval op slechts 120 km van Cuiaba en het feit dat de luchthaven van de stad in slechts 2 uur te bereiken is, kan van bijzonder belang zijn voor degenen die weinig tijd hebben.

Excursies inbegrepen

Optionele excursies

Reissom vluchtarrangement: € 1.566,- per persoon, inclusief 1x ruimbagage (max 23kg) per persoon (Dagprijs 09 mei 2024)

Datum: Van: Naar: Vertrek: Aankomst: Overstap: Airline:
01/09/2024 Amsterdam Sao Paulo GRU 12:55 19:50 0 KLM
02/09/2024 Sao Paulo GRU Cuiabá 08:00 09:20 0 GOL
13/09/2024 Cuiabá Amsterdam 14:20 14:20 - aankomst volgende dag lokale tijd NL 1 LATAM en KLM, via Sao Paulo (overstap van 4u)
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