Brazilië Reis Specialist


Engelse beschrijving:

Ubatuba is a beach town in the northern coast of the state of Sao Paulo and is about 225 km from the capital.

From Sao Paulo to Ubatuba, by car or motorcycle, with no traffic, the trip takes about 3 hours. 

Beach and nature

The town has preservation areas, such as Anchieta Island, and the beaches Brava and Camburi, besides study centers like Projeto Tamar, a project that protects sea turtles in the Brazilian coast. The Project is open for visitation and it’s perfect for kids.

There are over 100 beaches that compose landscapes of rare beauty and peace. The mix of clear waters, bright sand and forest is a true feast for the senses.

The town has beaches for all tastes. Families usually prefer the peaceful beaches of Domingas Dias and Enseada. The beautiful Cedro beach, of difficult access and basically untouched, is the most popular amongst adventurers and those who want to escape the hustle.

Ubatuba is considered the capital of surfing, since it’s one of the perfect destinations for the sport, offering beaches with waves of all kinds, some ideal for amateurs, and others for professionals. Pereque Açu beach, for example, is recommended for those who are starting to learn, while Itamambuca and Felix beaches are preferred by experienced surfers.

Ubatuba also has waterfalls, islands where you can dive, and trekking options that explore virgin beaches, old farm ruins and exuberant stretches of Atlantic Forest.

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